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Android Connectionresult Get Free Info

Fügen Sie zuerst die untere Zeile in Ihre buildgradle-Abhängigkeiten ein. Contains all possible error codes for when a client fails to connect to.

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Android GCM ConnectionResult SERVICE_MISSING_PERMISSION – Android Google-Cloud-Messaging Ich habe GCM-Push-Benachrichtigungen gemäß der Dokumentation in meiner App implementiert und funktioniert nach dem Zufallsprinzip.

Android connectionresult. After the sign in activity returns with RESULT_OKfurther attempts to connect should succeed. Connect else Could not resolve the connection result show the user an error dialog. Stellen Sie zunächst sicher dass Ihr API-Schlüssel gültig ist und fügen Sie diesen in Ihr Manifest androidnameandroidpermissionACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION Hier ist.

The client attempted to connect to the service but the user is not signed in. Compile comgoogleandroidgmsplay-services750 Jetzt benötigen wir den SHA-1-Fingerabdruck den wir in der Google Developers Console angeben müssen. Moto 360 always throw the error.

TAG Could not resolve ConnectionResult e. Override public void onConnectionFailedConnectionResult result. Ich nehme an Sie sind aber Sie müssen angemeldet sein um Zugriff auf Laufwerk.

After the sign in activity returns with RESULT_OK further attempts to connect should succeed. Hier ist die info für den Fehler den Sie erhalten. The client may choose to continue without using the API or it may call startResolutionForResult Activity int to prompt the user to sign in.

The client attempted to connect to the service but the user is not signed in. If mSignInProgress STATE_IN_PROGRESS We do not have an intent in progress so we should store the latest error resolution intent for use when the sign in button is clicked. If it returns true your app can request that the user take immediate action to resolve the error by calling startResolutionForResult on the ConnectionResult object.

Else GooglePlayServicesUtilgetErrorDialogconnectionResult. On API level 17 or later they are also guaranteed to have elapsed real-time since boot. Everything works fine with the handheld module using.

S5 but the wearable using. Public final class ConnectionResult extends Objectimplements Parcelable. Try launch appropriate UI flow which might for example be the sign-in flow connectionResultstartResolutionForResultthis RC_RESOLVE.

When your app receives a call to the onConnectionFailed callback you should call hasResolution on the provided ConnectionResult object. Private void myMethod C o n n e c t i o n R e s u l t c.

Catch IntentSenderSendIntentException e Try connecting again mGoogleApiClientconnect. The client may choose to continue without using the API or it may call startResolutionForResultActivity intto prompt the user to sign in. ShowErrorDialogconnectionResult else Show the signed-out UI showSignedOutUI.

Androidgoogle-play-servicesandroid-wearmoto-360data-layer Ive wanted to make an easy wearable app and connect through the data layer. After the sign in activity returns with RESULT_OK further attempts to connect should succeed. The client attempted to connect to the service but the user is not signed in.

So lets try to fix it. Final static int REQUEST_LOCATION. If a required authenticated API fails to connect the entire GoogleApiClient will fail to connect and a failed ConnectionResult will be delivered to OnConnectionFailedListeneronConnectionFailed.

Wenn ich die Beispiel-app die. ConnectionResultgetErrorCode resultgetErrorCode. All locations returned by getLocations are guaranteed to have a valid latitude longitude and UTC timestamp.

Once a connection has successfully completed the only way to disconnect the authenticated APIs is to call disconnect on this GoogleApiClient. Zuerst wird geprüft ob der Standort aktiviert ist oder nicht und der Benutzer wird aufgefordert den Standort zu aktivieren. The client may choose to continue without using the API or it may call startResolutionForResult Activity int to prompt the user to sign in.

A data class representing a geographic location result from the fused location provider. So erhalten Sie den aktuellen Standort Längen- und Breitengrad in Android 4 Die Aktivität sollte LocationListener implementieren.

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